Elders, Deacons
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Elders and deacons are the two groups that comprise our leadership team. These individuals are elected by the congregation to serve in specific ways. Together, elders and deacons use their gifts to equip the church for the work of ministry for building up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12).
Presbyterians get our name from the Greek word “presbuteros”, meaning elder. Ruling elders, together with pastors, exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation as well as the whole church.
Class of 2025
Dan Brown Donna Brundage Rick Clutter Gina Dingman Tom Richards Paul White |
Class of 2026
Doug Grace Carolyn Keefer Megan Marvil Earle Ruddach Emily Tompson Yvette Wyatt |
Class of 2027
Becky Clegg Cheryl Dickinson Jerry Gee Dan Lauer Charlie Nipp Dalton Shotwell |
The ministry of a deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress.
Class of 2025
Paula Anderson Carol Harrison-Romerdahl Linda Jones Hendrik Lesterhuis Gil Walker |
Class of 2026
Heather Bell Doug Grace Karen Grace Ellen Taylor |
Class of 2027
Kathy Gauthier Chris Gee Rachel Hazard Joan Pedersen Emily Green Sharp |
Ministry Team Chairs
Adult Discipleship Dan Brown / Doug Grace
Community Outreach Donna Brundage / Gina Dingman
Facilities Rick Clutter / Scott Fischer
Family Ministries Carolyn Keefer / Emily Tompson
Finance / Stewardship Earle Ruddach / Charlie Nipp
Human Resources Roger Grigg / Warren Bakes
Long-Range Planning Charlie Nipp / Warren Bakes
Missions Paul White / Megan Marvil
Nominating Scott Fischer / Jackie Velez
Welcome /Membership Yvette Wyatt / Jackie Velez
Worship Planning Tom Richards
Community Outreach Donna Brundage / Gina Dingman
Facilities Rick Clutter / Scott Fischer
Family Ministries Carolyn Keefer / Emily Tompson
Finance / Stewardship Earle Ruddach / Charlie Nipp
Human Resources Roger Grigg / Warren Bakes
Long-Range Planning Charlie Nipp / Warren Bakes
Missions Paul White / Megan Marvil
Nominating Scott Fischer / Jackie Velez
Welcome /Membership Yvette Wyatt / Jackie Velez
Worship Planning Tom Richards