At first Pastor Justice’s statement caught me off guard. I immediately thought of all the “more important” things a child should learn at church. Pastor Justice went on to explain the difference between lessons learned at home and those learned at church. He also explained how he hoped that when an adult having a difficult time in life, looked back over their life and asked “When was I ever happy?”; hopefully it would be memories of church. A few weeks later, the Pastor’s word proved true when someone I knew who had no room for God in their life suddenly fell on hard times and they asked “When was I ever happy?” They told me it was when they were a kid at church. They returned to church and found that childlike Joy in Christ once again. In many churches, we quote Jesus’ words found in Matthew 18. Jesus pulls a child into the midst of the disciples and urges them to accept the kingdom of God like a little child. Jesus famously states that whoever causes a child to stumble it would be better for that person to tie a huge stone around their neck and jump in the ocean. This warning may seem harsh, but as my husband and I have worked with many hurting people over the years I can start to understand Jesus’ warning to us adults. This month as we stop to recognize child abuse awareness month, we have planted over a hundred pinwheels in our flower beds here at 1st Pres. Pinwheels seem to sum up childlike joy, and the power of the wind reminds us of a child’s vulnerability. The impact of abuse on a child ripples out in so many unforeseen ways. The physical damage on a small body may be the hardest thing to look at but it is the heart, mind, and soul damage that lasts the longest. It is this unseen damage to the little soul that is what I think Jesus was warning us about. Don’t do things that prevent the joy of the kingdom in this little child. When we deal harshly with the children in our midst we prevent them from entering into the joyful aspects of Christ’s love. We also rob ourselves of the lessons they can teach us about faith. I realize child abuse is a heavy subject that can make us feel powerless. When the subject comes up we often confuse the conversation further with debates about abuse and discipline. Abuse seeks to dominate and discipline seeks to train. Abuse forgets the intrinsic value of the human soul while discipline calls forth the beauty and strength of the growing soul. Pretty pinwheels are so small in light of all that an abused child will face in their life. However, I believe it is the joy of a simple pinwheel that gives us back the power we have in the lives of the children among us. If we can first stop to recognize and value the children in our lives. Be involved with the families around us. If we each take the time to provide happy memories for the children in our lives, to bring joy to their world then we are one step closer to understanding the faith of a child Jesus so valued. We may not see all of the times that a child or a family is hurting, but our heavenly Father sees them. Later in life, it is my hope that Pastor Justice’s word will ring true for the precious children in our lives. I hope these kinds of things come to the minds of these precious little ones.
Maybe these happy memories will dispel the dark memories long enough to bring them back to God’s house where they can engage with the Father who longs to heal all wounds. I believe the fight against child abuse begins with an awareness of the children in our lives. As we tend to these precious little souls with the simple goal of bringing them happy church memories we will have a greater chance of preventing the enemy from stealing their joy. If you would like to plant a pinwheel here at 1st Pres in April, please call the church office and we will be happy to help you spread joy and awareness. In His Name, Bonnie
4/2/2024 03:12:56 pm
Beautiful words, Bonnie. Thanks for supporting Chil Abuse Prevention month, and reminding us all to be the happy memory.
Emily Rogers
4/2/2024 03:46:53 pm
And I pray that the Easter Extravaganza helped to bring joy (and renewed joy) to so many.
Carolyn Keefer
4/2/2024 06:06:19 pm
Thank you for sharing these important reminders. May we all join to bring joy to our children at the church so they will always know it is a safe and loving place where they can grow and learn the meaning of "Love First" !
4/2/2024 06:31:05 pm
Bonnie, thank you for this important reflection.
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